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  • 200+ Different Niches You Can Build a Business Around

September 2, 2020

200+ Different Niches You Can Build a Business Around

There are a lot of different niches you can focus on. You may want to consider how specific or broad you want to be based on your strategy.

Table of Contents

1. Advertising

I paid $6200 for a course on how to give advertising services to other people. Other people spend this amount for the course and coaching services.

I consistently spend thousands of dollars on marketing land that I have for sale online. I also spend thousands on direct mailers.

There is software, direct response, digital marketing, and so much more that you can be involved with. It’s crazy how many options there are in this field.

Read: Facebook Advertising For Small Businesses

2. Accounting

For awhile, I saw accountants trying to teach other accountants how to build a business with their firm. This can involve coaching, and online course, consulting services.

You can provide tax services and niche down to help a specific group of people. There are nuances and if you become a trusted brand, they will follow after you.

3. Acting

Yeah. There’s Hollywood. You can get picked up for shows and movies. There are also courses that you can create and turn it for self-esteem purposes.

You can create local shows. You can create an agency of actors and actresses for people wanting video ads, gigs, and shows.

4. Adoption

There are people willing to spend thousands of dollars to adopt a child. Governments are always looking for people that are looking to potentially foster to adopt. This can be a service connecting parents and children. It can be a place to give more information about the process and post-adoption.

5. Aikido

It’s a Japanese style of martial arts. It’s about defensive practices. Rather than aggression or violence, the focus is on overcoming oneself.

Creating a dojo is an option locally. Creating an online group for practice sessions, showcasing how it’s good for self esteem, and helpful for overall self improvement are ways that Aikido can attract users.

6. Alcoholism

There is a whole system created called Alcohol’s Anonymous. It’s a huge group. You can create a smaller group. Consulting services, coaching, online course, and developing a community are ways you can help people and build a business.

7. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is all about recommending products and services. Almost every company has some kind of affiliate program. They will give you a little bit of commission for every sale you help them make. This usually requires traffic. This just means that your focus needs to be on building a traffic source or learning about paid advertising.

8. Appliances

The big appliance companies have products that they can’t sell on their main website or store. Usually there is a scratch or dent. There are companies that pick these perfectly usable products and resell them for wholesale. You can do it too.

Product reviews and tutorial videos are a way to be more on the digital side of this niche. You can go for ad revenue and affiliate marketing.

9. Apps

App development is a real thing. If you know how to create apps, this is a big business. You can always develop apps ad and monetize them as well. If you know how to create apps, you can teach people how to create apps for profit as well.

10. Archery

Archery has so many different avenues. You can create something local. You can do affiliate marketing with archery. Tutorial videos, product reviews, and online courses are different ways you can money.

11. Artwork

Do you have some type of artwork that you like to do? You can try selling your work in stores, fairs, and other events.

You can also teach your artwork. You can do something local and upload it on Groupon. You can have a group of people for a class. This can be online as well.

12. Astronomy

Blogs, Ad Revenue, and affiliate marketing are probably the best ways to monetize this niche. Share your knowledge and other things. You can talk about stars, planets, and cool devices to check out.

13. Auctions

This can be a listing site like EBay. It can be a live auction as an auctioneer.

You can do tutorial videos or a blog. It can be about how to get super deals through auctions. It can be about how to prepare for an auction.

14. Babies

Babies are a use huge industry. There are clothes, toys, parenting advice, and so much more.

You can use this platform to look into ad revenue, physical products, affiliate marketing, and much more.

15. Baby Clothing

Baby Clothing is a niche within babies. It can be a your whole business model. Manufacture your clothing, brand it, and sell it. You can find distributors to help you find the stores.

You can build an online store for your merchandise as well. Use social media and other platforms to showcase your property. You can use it to sell directly to clients.

16. Baking

I love watching baking shows. It’s just really good entertainment. If you can monetize competitions, this can be a really fun way for you to put local events together.

You can teach other people on how to bake. You can put recipes on blogs. I have found this market is saturated, but you can break through if you persevere.

Going for YouTube may be a great way to build followers. Later, you can sell a Recipe book or a live course to your followers.

17. Barbers

I’ve seen some intricate designs that barbers are able to make. This can be a service or just really good entertainment.

If you have a lot of experience consider opening up a school or a shop for yourself. If you don’t want to do something local, you can help barbers open up their schools or shops.

18. Bartenders

Bartenders need to be able to mix drinks. This can be entertaining by itself. You can help people looking to mix drinks themselves.

You can also give consulting services on how to become a successful bartender or open up a bar. Niches that bartenders can get into is in the wedding and events.

If you knw how to get into these gigs, you can help coach other bartenders on how to do it. You can also provide this service as well if you know want to build those contacts in different local markets.

19. Banking

Do you know how to start a bank? A few people know how to do this right. You can provide consulting services and charge a hefty fee.

For real though, you can create content regarding loans and banking services. This can be a great away to get affiliate products in the banking industry such as loans and credit cards.

20. BBQ

Look into doing a YouTube channel. You can showcase your BBQ talents. You’ll be able to get ad revenue from YouTube and you can recommend products to your viewers for a commission.

21. Beer

You can create your own beer and sell it. You can also teach other people how to make beer. Each has different pro and cons to it. Would you rather be the creator or the teacher?

22. Bicycles

I have a local bicycle shop that I can go to for bicycle accessories. You can build out a bike and recommend accessories for your followers.

A new trend are EBikes. It can be a good way to get in on these products. People will want reviews, recommendations, and tutorials.

23. Birdwatching

Information on birds and where to find them will be important. You can organize an event on going bird watching.

24. Blogging

Blogging requires some kind of niche. If something resonates with you, I suggest starting to write. You can look at two platforms: WordPress and Medium for blogging needs. You can sell products, do affiliate marketing, and develop an email list from blogging.

Articles That Might Help You:

25. Board Games

Board games can have competitions and tutorials associated with it. If you love board games, you can create content that will show how to play. You can monetize this with ads.

You can always create a board game and try selling it. Another option can be that you help other people create board games. It can be a fun way to show people how they can create a business with it.

26. Boats

Look at the newest boats, features, accessories, and guides.

You business can be about how to make boats or boat loans. These are all the topics and products you can offer in this niche.

27. Books

I go everywhere with my books. I tend to focus on EBooks. There are groups of people that build businesses just selling EBooks. The benefit is that if you have an EBook, you can sell the physical book and audio book.

28. Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping services can be a monthly revenue stream. It helps if you niche into a specific area. You can charge for more premium prices.

You can also recommend QuickBooks or other software for a commission.

29. Boxing

You can create a gym. You can also talk about the different boxers are almost like a news channel. You can recommend accessories and products related to boxing.

30. Budgeting

Create forms and strategies to help your followers. You can write a book, develop an online course, membership, or software.

31. Careers

Have a blog on different careers. You can showcase different examples and how to build their career. Ad revenue is big here. Colleges are willing to pay money for you to advertise their degrees and programs.

32. Carpentry

Carpentry can be a great niche to focus on. Show others how to build things and get paid through ad revenue. You can showcase your content on YouTube or a blog. You can also offer services such as building doors or cabinets.

33. Cars & Trucks

Cars and trucks are a big business. You can give reviews and talk about cars. You can show how to do different upgrades or repairs to your car or truck.

34. Cats

Cats have toys, food, and accessories. You can write or record tutorials and training.

35. Celebrities

Celebrities get a lot of interest. If you follow them, you can put up information about them. The best way to make money if with ad revenue.

36. Chemistry

If you do really good experiments try showing them on YouTube. If you build up a following, you can make money with ads.

37. Christianity

Christian living, newspapers, theology, seminary, and colleges are some of the things you can talk about.

38. Cigars

I have a friend who makes cigars and sells them. You can also show people how to make them and make revenue from it.

39. Cleaning

Cleaning is needed for AirBnb, homes, business offices, and more. You can provide this service and build out your business.

I know some people offering advertising services to cleaning companies. If you can help them reach their goals, you can profit.

40. Coffee

Some people are really into coffee. You can create your own shop and serve coffee. You can brand coffee brand or the machinery.

41. Colleges

You can help students figure out what college to go to. It can involve careers, scholarships, and overall living in college.

42. Comedy

It’s great to get gigs at clubs and bars. There are services that you can provide to help them find more opportunities. You can be a bridge between the events and comedians and other acts.

43. Computers

Computers are always growing into better products. You can be on top of all these changes.

The good thing with computers are there are a lot of components. You can talk about the hardware or the software. You can adjust your products and services around the computer.

44. Computer Programming

If you know how to do programming, this can be highly profitable. You can create software that helps people with their computer needs.

45. Construction

Construction is a really good field for local work. It can be a great niche to showcase your knowledge and get ad revenue or affiliate commissions.

I know there are courses that people can take that will help them build things. You can do it too and sell the course.

46. Consulting

If you have knowledge about a particular niche, you can offer consulting services. Depending on the niche, this can be thousands of dollars. Focus on the problem that they have. In general, it will be related to money, relationships, or health.

47. Copywriting

People need help with writing ad copy. You can have a service that helps write really good information for products and services.

You can sell them as a one off package or help businesses write their own copy.

48. Cosmetics

Cosmetics is a huge business. Influencers have made a lot of money building their own brands and recommending other products and services.

You can focus on building a following or developing your own line of products.

49. Crafts

YouTube, live trainings, and courses are the way to go. You can offer different products and servicers as you build a following.

50. CrossFit

Create a studio and be local. You can build an online presence and give them coaching. This can lead to products such as protein powder that you can brand.

You can help other CrossFit studios get more clients. There are different ways to make this niche into a business.

Read: 52 Health and Fitness Niches to Build A Business Around

51. Crypto Currency

It’s become a popular way to make money. Be careful. People have made and lost a lot of money. You can teach a course or do the trading yourself.

52. Dancing

There are many forms of dancing. You can show them on YouTube and get ad revenue. You can create a local school or help people online. If you have a real passion, you can become a coach.

53. Dating

Dating has so many sub-niches. You can help girls, boys, divorcees, special needs, and seniors. These can be informational products, memberships, coaching, consulting, and software.

54. Design

Do you have a knack for design? You can look into houses, apartments, weddings, events, and other things that require design.

The best thing is combining this with home décor. You can go over different products and accessories that will make a house shine.

55. Diabetes

There is medicine, insurance, doctors, food, exercise, and other topics associated with diabetes. You can help diabetics make the adjustment after a diagnosis and find a community.

56. Debt

Some advisors have made a living by saving debt is bad. They have given tricks and other suggestions on how to get rid of debt.

Other advisors talk about how to leverage debt. In either case, you can build a community of members and help them in their goals.

57. Death in the Family

Wills, estate planning, funeral homes, life insurance, and trauma may be ways you can help this audience.

58. DJ

People want to be able to create music. People will need to know the software and equipment needed to make music. You can create courses on how to make money and how to create music.

59. Dogs

The dog category is similar to the cat category. You can have products, training, and other services that you can sell.

60. Drop-shipping

You can sell product on your website and have another company ship and send the product. You will get a little commission.

You will need to look at paid advertising to get enough traffic. It may be possible to do drop-shipping if you have your own source of organic traffic.

61. Drums

Teach other people how to drum. You can create classes or show different beats. You can create a membership. Recommend products or other courses that they can try.

62. E-Commerce

E-Commerce has so many variations. You can try drop-shipping, a listing site, and sell your own products and services. You can of course teach others how to do it as well.

63. Education

You can help provide materials and lesson plans for teachers. You can create a product on how to help people make courses. Information about schools and other data can be another avenue that you provide some kind of service.

64. Electrician

For awhile, I was on a construction kick. I bought a really nice book with pictures about electrical work. Books, video tutorials, coaching on the business, advertisement services, are a couple different ways you can be in the electrician niche.

65. English

Teach other people English online. We take it for granted, but there are people that will pay you to help them learn English.

66. Entertainment

Have you ever went on YouTube and looked up funny videos. There are a host of people that write and create entertaining things. You can do it too, and monetize that.

67. Entrepreneurship

You are building a business. Business has a lot of tax benefits and potential to make a lot of money. There is no cap. You can help other entrepreneurs make money.

68. Environment

Do you be a source of information for all environment related things. EBikes, global warming, gas, solar panels, wind energy, forests, are all the different things that you can talk about.

69. Equestrian

You can record or write about competitions, training, and grooming. You can recommend products and services related to horses.

It’s a great niche because people are passionate about their horses. If you have a local spot, you can offer services related to horses.

70. Esports

It’s becoming increasingly popular. There are teams and sponsors for major competitions. There is fame to be won by fans, and cash prizes.

71. Farms

Farms have the agricultural side to the business. It’s also got livestock. There are loans that farmers can get. Each of these sub-niches, have products and services that you can recommend.

72. Fashion Trends

Models, clothing, designs are very popular as a niche. If you are into this niche, you can recommend clothing and different accessories.

73. Financial Advice

If you have a lot of financial information, you can give this information to people. You can put it on a blog, podcast, or on YouTube.

It may be a good way to get clients if you are a financial advisor.

74. Fishing

Selling fish, the best fishing spots, fishing gear, and tours are ways to monetize this niche. You can create a membership of fishing enthusiasts.

75. FIRE Movement

Financial Independence Retire Early is a movement that started a couple years ago. There are a couple variations to this movement and how to make this possible.

76. Flutes

Create music with flutes. There are parents willing to pay tutoring fees, so their child will become experts with the flute.

77. Flying Planes

You need to be able to fly a certain amount of hours to fly commercial. You can guide what someone has to do to become a pilot. There are ways to fly planes and you can guide people in this niche.

78. Food Trucks

Some people want to create a food truck. You can help them with the process. This can be a blog, videos, a book, and an online course.

79. Fostering

Fostering is a long process. You can help guide those steps and connect people to the right resources.

Another part of fostering is the support that people will need. You can create a membership group for the people that need extra support after.

80. Foundation

Foundation work and basements are a big business. Each job can be thousands of dollars. You can provide advertising services to this group to help them get more leads.

You can teach people how to get into the business and do the work.

81. French Language

Some people want to know French. You can do tutoring services or create an online platform that people can learn.

82. Funnels

Marketing Funnels have become a bigger business. Essentially you sell a small product and it leads to a costlier product or service. There is software that you can recommend as you teach people to use these products.

Read: Marketing Funnels Made Easy

82. Geography

Have you ever heard of National Geographic. This niche can go into education, photography, and interactive software. There are a lot of avenues to present useful material that is engaging to a wide variety of audiences.

83. German Language

Languages have a similar model. You can offer tutoring. Another option is to connect tutors and potential students.

The German language niche can result into German culture in general. There are products and services that people may be curious about that have a German orientation.

84. Golf

Golf courses, gear, training, and coaches are some of the products and services that you can offer. You can reach out to the beginner or the expert.

85. Guitars

Acoustic guitars, electric guitars, and bass guitars are some of the different things that people will want to learn. There are guitars, accessories, online courses, and membership that you can recommend.

There are sub-niches within these topics. I know what churches or the youth groups will want some of their congregants to learn guitar. People can simply want to know Rock N’ Roll or classical.

86. Health

The health industry is wide ranging. You can product information, products and different services. It can be in dieting, weight loss, fitness, mental health, and other sub-niches.

87. HVAC

I’ve had my HVAC guy on my speed dial. He’s been a valuable resource. I’ve also looked at a bunch of articles and videos trying to figure out what problem I had. You can help guys like me and you can also help the HVAC guy looking to get more business.

88. Home Decor

Design your home! My wife is really into this category. Curtains, couches, lighting, and more are all a part of this category. You can go over how to create more space or how to make something look really nice.

89. Home Security

People increasingly want security. There are different services that you can recommend. Locks, systems, fences, and other information is important for this niche.

90. Human Resources

People want jobs and companies want people. You can become a head hunter. You will get a commission for referring people to an industry.

Human resources require software and communication skills. There are products and services that you can recommend to this industry.

91. Ice Skating

This is a big industry. There are competitions and training that can be held for ice skating professionals.

You can also teach people in a local event or guide people on how to do tricks.

92. Insomnia/ Sleep Related

There was a time when I felt like I couldn’t sleep. There are guides that you can show people. There are products that you can refer to: beds, pillows, humidifiers and other accessories.

93. Insurance

You can give information on different insurance products. You can charge by the lead to different insurance brokers.

There is life, auto, home, health, liability, and different products. You can talk about companies and the products themselves.

94. Investments

Financial advisors can give information about investment products. This can lead to ad revenue, selling leads, consulting fees, and more.

95. Jewelry

You can talk about different jewelry. You can also brand different products and try selling them.

96. Jiu Jitsu

Create a Jiu Jitsu class. You can talk about professionals, develop tutorials, and step by step guides.

You can help people looking to build a school locally. This involves real estate, human resources, budgeting, advertising, and training.

97. Judo

You can create a judo class. This can be a local development. There are tutorials and guides you can make for this class.

There are people that need supplies related to judo. You can be a source of information and products.

98. Karate

Karate has so many different cultural moments. You can create a dojo for your local school.

“Wax on. Wax off.” – Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid

You can give tutorials and guides. There are products that you can recommend. Your clientele can be people looking to learn, but also the people that want to build a karate dojo.

99. Keto Diet

Weight loss is a big industry. You can create a blog, develop an online course, provide coaching, and food services.

100. Korean Language

The Korean culture has become more mainstream. People are increasingly want to know tutoring. You can provide lessons. You can create a platform for Korean tutors and potential students.

101. K-Pop

K-Pop is a huge business. You can get in the action. There are korean dramas and music. You can look at song translations, videos, and a membership. There are a lot of products that you can recommend.

102. Krav Maga


Krav Maga is a self-defense system used by the Israel Defense Forces. This can be a good way to create video tutorials. There is a population of people that want to know self defense techniques. You can tap into this population.

103. Landscaping

You can provide landscaping services. You can provide advertising services to people that give landscaping services. You can recommend products and services related to the industry.

104. Land Investing

Land investing is a niche that I’m actively involved in. You can provide owner financing and sell land for cash.

There are different products and services that land investors need. You can help connect people to those resources or sell them yourself.

Read: Ultimate Guide to Land Investing

105. Languages

Languages are a great niche. You can do it online. You can create a digital product to sell. It can be an online course. You can focus on one language and built other products.

106. Legal

Are you a lawyer or do you have a lot of legal advice? You can create a blog or YouTube. There are people that want information about different legal issues. Wills, estates, divorce, probate, real estate, and more.

107. Livestock

You can be involved with buying and selling livestock. You can teach people how to create the systems needed to have livestock. This can include tutorials and videos.

108. Local News

I recommend starting a blog. You can create articles about anything in your local area. You can hire people as you get bigger. This is a away to get a lot of ad revenue.

109. LSAT

If you have been studying for the LSAT or you are great with test prep. This can be a niche. It can lead to tutoring, an online course, a blog, and other avenues.

110. Magic

I saw a live event on magic tricks. It was a lot of fun. If you are into magic tricks, you can create a blog or YouTube channel. This can be a fun way to showcase your talent and how magic tricks work. You will be looking at getting ad revenue, affiliate marketing, and guides to make money in this niche.

111. Manufacturing

Manufacturing gets a lot of bad publicity. There is still manufacturing that happens in the states. If you have some experience, you can help other people get into manufacturing or developing lines of product right in their state.

China has become a big market for manufacturing. You can help people find and locate manufactured goods in China and other markets.

112. Marketing

Marketing has a lot of sub-niches. You can go into direct marketing, brand marketing, SEO, PPC, and other marketing efforts.

You can help develop software, blog, YouTube channel, and other avenues to showcase your marketing skills.

113. Marriage

Marriage is a great thing. You can look into weddings, fixing a marriage, date ideas, counseling, and other marriage related topics.

114. Martial Arts

Martial Arts has a lot of sub-niches. You can help dojos get more students and equipment. You can look into professional martial arts and talk about fighters.

115. Math

You can create tutorials to help schools or math teachers. You can provide tutoring to students. If you keep building enough, you may be able to monetize it.

116. MCAT

The MCAT is a test that students need to take in order to get into medical school. You can provide test taking tips, coaching, and guides.

117. Medical Related

Increasingly, people want professionals talking about medical related issues. If you are familiar with a specific medical topic, you can share it on a blog, YouTube channel, or another platform.

118. Meditation

There are apps, newsletters, tutorials, live sessions, and other ways to monetize this niche.

119. Metal Work

You can pick a specific thing to work on. I know there was a live course to make bronze swords. People would come for the class and leave with their actual sword. Videos and Blogs can be a great way to share this information.

120. Men Clothing

You can recommend clothing pieces or develop your own clothing line. You can create a physical presence or just be online. Find a distributor to share your brand.

121. Mental Health

Mental health is becoming more mainstream. It can be a good niche. Anger or depression and be specialties. You can offer mentoring, an online course, different products, and so on.

123. Military

There are a lot of avenues in the military to make a career. You can give valuable information on how to decide on a career in the military. Potential recruits need to do well on the ASVAB and get into military shape.

If you are into fitness. This can be a niche. You can train people like how the military people train the Marines, Navy, or another military branch.

124. Minimalism

Minimalism is home décor, lifestyle, real estate, and more. It can be an online course, a book, and different platforms to showcase examples.

125. Mixed Martial Arts

Mixed Martial Arts has become popular with the rise of UFC. You can give information about different fighters. You can recommend different fighting styles, create a class, and different products.

126. MLB – Baseball

Baseball professionals, learning how to play baseball, products, videos, and tutorials are a great way showcase baseball.

127. Money

Money is a niche within other niches. Anytime you are helping someone earn money, you are solving a problem. This can be advertisements, leads, ad revenue, consulting, online courses, membership, and so much more.

128. Mortgages

You can help banks sell mortgages, provide coaching for mortgage brokers, create a blog or a YouTube channel.

129. Motorcycles

Teach people how to ride or fix motorcycles. You can recommend different motorcycles or programs that people can get lessons.

130. Movies

Do you watch a lot of movies? You can create reviews or talk about different characters. You can monetize this information with ad revenue.

131. Musical Instruments

Teach a musical instrument. Recommend different instruments. Do reviews. Show your passion with musical instruments.

132. NBA – Basketball

Create a podcast about your favorite basketball team. You can look at getting ad revenue. You can create a blog or a YouTube Channel talking about last night’s game. You can create evergreen content by talking about older players.

133. NFL – American Football

NFL has a lot of stories. You can talk about potential draftees. You can focus on a specific team, salary cap, potential trades, and players.

134. NHL – Hockey

Podcasts, YouTube, Blogs are a great way to share your opinions and your knowledge.

You can always teach people how to play hockey. There are products that you can recommend like pucks, sticks, and nets.

135. Non-Profits

There are different people that want to create a non-profit. You can help people with the process. Things that a non-profit needs is fundraising help, legal information, volunteers, and more.

136. Nutrition

Give good nutritional advice on a platform. You can showcase different recipes. You can focus on weight loss as a category. You can have coaching, meal prep, and accountability.

137. Off-grid

Being off-grid is a growing movement. You can buy some land and put your RV there. Build a cabin or get survival gear. You can recommend products for a commission or brand something to sell related to this industry.

138. Paintings

Paintings can be sold for large amounts of money. It’s important to have the right connections and following.

You can create a class and tutorials. You can also brand your own materials and sell them as well.

139. Paleo Diet

Develop an e-book, a course, coaching, and food delivery. You can be an influence for this diet. You can provide recipes, a book, consulting, and meal prep.

140. Parenthood

Parenthood has different stages. You can focus on one of these stages. It can include teenagers, babies, and special needs. You can offer a course, book, membership, counseling, and live training.

141. Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay per click Advertising (PPC) is a big business. Most of the income that Google makes is from PPC advertising. You can provide consulting for Google Ads and other platforms. You can teach people how to use different platforms involving PPC. You can charge an online course or provide a book.

142. Personal Finance

People have become big brands in personal finance. Usually you have a plan for budgets, saving, investments, and more. You can develop a book, podcast, blog, YouTube Channel, ad revenue, and a course.

143. Pets

Pets are a good niche. You can be more informational like trainings. You can become a brand and create your own products.

144. Phones

Phones are a big industry. There are always new phones that need reviews. You can have a niche in technology with a focus on phones.

You can provide ways to get into software development for phones. This can lead to a course or membership.

145. Photography

Photography is a great niche. You can recommend cameras and different accessories. There are specialties that you can get into such as real estate, weddings, events, and portraits.

You can also get into stock photos. You can submit photos of anything you want. If people pay or use your picture, you can get paid for the use of your photo.

146. Physics

Physics is a tough class for a lot of students. You can become a tutor, develop a course, or provide material for teachers. If you like experiments you can showcase them on YouTube.

147. Piano

Piano can be a niche for local students looking to learn. You can also make it an online platform. You can teach people how to play and recommend different pianos.

148. Plants

Trees, flowers, and other plants are great niches. You can sell different plants to people. You can recommend different trees for fruit and inform people how to grow them.

149. Plumbing

Plumbers make a decent income. You can help people that want to get into plumbing. You can teach DIYers how to take care of any plumbing issues. You can offer leads to plumbers.

150. Podcasting

Podcasting is a great option for people that want to make content. You can get ad revenue from this platform. If you have an online course, live event, or software you can use podcasting as a platform to sell your products and services.

151. Politics

Politics is a big business. You can get a liberal or conservative show. You will need to build an audience and update people on the climate. The most common ways to monetize this platform is with ad revenue.

152. Pottery

Create pots, pans, cups, and plates. You can create a blog or YouTube on how to create these pieces. You can create classes or try selling your wares.

153. Prepping

Some people believe things are going to get really bad. There are tips on how to build and organize the things you will need, if there is an attack or the economy collapses. You can brand your own non-perishables and sell products.

154. Property Management

Property Management requires a real estate license. You can build a portfolio of business. You will require a way to get direct deposits and relationships with handymen. You can monetize by helping property managers with information, software, or leads.

155. Real Estate Agents

Real Estate Agents can do really well helping people buy and sell homes. There are also a lot of coaches that train people. Some people have made livings simply on the recruiting side of real estate.

People have done well with supporting real estate agents. This can be with software, leads, advertisements, websites, and more. If you can create niche that helps real estate agents, it can be very beneficial.

156. Real Estate Investing

Real Estate Investing is a big niche. You can provide information, software, lending, and membership. There are different ways that you can monetize with this niche.

157. Recipes

Do you have a really good recipe? Share it on YouTube as you create it. Food entertainment is a really big business.

158. Rehabbing Homes

Buy a cheap home, fix it, and sell it. It’s been one the tried and true ways of making money in real estate. The important part is being able to find the deals.

159. Religion

Religion will probably need to be niched down. You will need to decide how to provide a service. If you can, there is are different products and services that you will be able to recommend.

160. Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is the next stage in energy. You can provide information and recommend products that are focused on renewable energy.

161. Retirement

Retirement is a big mess. You can help people with their retirement. This can go into investments, paper assets, and budgeting.

162. Robotics

Give information on the newest robotics. Build your own robot and try selling it.

163. Roofs

There are roof conferences that help roofers put on more roofs. You can help roofers with getting more leads, finding the best products, and connect roofing related businesses together.

164. RVs

Share your travels while driving an RV. You can put out information about how to find an RV, what RV to get, accessories, and costs. All of these things can be helpful as you build a niche around RVs.

165. Sales

Sales is important in every business. You need to be able to sell your product. This can be in person, a webinar, an article, review, or auction. Create an online course or a book to help sales professionals.

166. Scholarships

Create a list of available scholarships. Show students how they can get scholarships to pay for their college tuition. You can make money from ad revenue. You could also charge for consulting fees.

167. Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is a fun niche. It requires licensing. You can provide information or create your own local class. If you live by water or in a high tourist area, it be can be a solid business.

168. Security

Security is growing industry. It can be in home, cyber, personal, and more. If you can help people get into this industry, this can be a nice niche.

169. SEO

I’ve personally read a multitude of books and articles for SEO. There are always new things changing. You can be in the forefront of these changes. There are different ways to monetize this niche.

170. Self-help

Self-help is a big industry for different professionals. This can be motivational content, coaching, mentoring, books, audio files, and articles.

171. Senior Dating

This is a sub category in dating. If you are able to connect seniors or give coaching, it can be a business that helps a lot of people.

172. Senior Living

Senior living can be a sub-nice within Seniors or Home Décor. Senior living has been a growing industry. Seniors need access to medical care, assistance, security, and more.

173. Singing

Singing is a competitive industry. You can create content on YouTube. You can recommend different products to help singers record their songs.

174. Skiing

Skiing is a competitive sport. You will need access to slopes. You can teach people how to ski. There are different skis and accessories you can recommend. You can look at branding your own product and try selling them.

175. Skin Care

Skin care is a highly competitive industry. Start showing off skin care products and recommending them. If you are able to create a following, you might want to go ahead and brand a product. There will be bigger profits wen you try selling it yourself.

176. Social Media

Do you ever see social media experts? It usually has to do with building a following and or working with advertisements. Social Media platforms go in and out in season. You can create relevant information, a course, or consulting.

177. Soccer

Soccer is becoming more popular in the United States. It’s nowhere near the popularity in other countries. You can choose soccer itself or pick a club/team.

178. Software

Software is increasingly becoming more important. There is software in computers, tablets, phones, and other devices. Software has a specific language and platforms. If you know the different languages or how to develop different software, you can make a lot of money. This can be in building out the software, coaching, consulting, online courses, and more.

179. Spanish

The Spanish language has a huge influence. There are people looking to learn Spanish. You can be a tutor, develop an online course, or create a platform for tutors and students to meet.

180. Special Needs

Special Needs can be a highly impactful niche. This group has the parents and the kids. There are a multitude of different disabilities. Reach group can be a membership group with different needs and resources.

181. Sports

Sports is a huge industry. If you can provide information and entertaining content, it can be a good way to get ad revenue.

182. Stock Trading

Stock trading gets a lot of buzz. This can be a book, reviews of stocks, trends, and different strategies. You can showcase your results and it can be a way to get ad revenue as well.

183. Stress Management

Stress Management is a great niche. You can provide different solutions for stress. Breathing, fitness, food, meditation, and mentoring are different ways that you can give solutions for stress.

184. Surfing

Surfing will require that you have access to water. There are competitions, surf boards, and accessories. You can provide lessons on how to surf. Surfing can be combined with other water sports.

185. Survival

Survival is a popular topic. People want to know how to survive in a jungle, desert, and other scenarios. This topic goes well with prepping. People will want to know information, entertaining content, gear, food, and other material.

186. Taekwondo

Taekwondo is a Korean-styled martial arts form. It involves a lot of kicks and different forms. You can create a class, uniforms, belts, mats, and other products.

187. Technology

Technology is wide ranging. You can create content about new upcoming technologies. You can look at giving reviews and recommendations.

188. Theater

Do you like acting? You can create a local show. You can also teach people how to act. This can be a good way to increase self esteem. You can also provide different theatrical props, masks, hair, and more.

189. Test Prep

Test prep is a big industry. On the local level, you can create classes. Math and English are popular subjects because of state exams.

There are also nationwide tests in for College Admission. You can provide tutoring for these tests as well.

190. Tiny Homes

Tiny homes has been a growing niche. People want to buy land and put a tiny home on it. You can showcase the process and different tiny homes.

191. Tutoring

Tutoring is a related to other niches related to school and testing. School subjects like Math, English, Science, and History require tutors to help them pass tests for college credit.

192. Traveling

Traveling is very popular with bloggers, YouTubers, and social media. People will watch traveling shows for entertainment and information. It ends up being a blend. There are products and other opportunities that will arise from sharing about your travels. You can combine this niche with other topics like food, energy, or historical sites.

193. TV

TV shows are very popular. It can be in a specific genre. I generally look up information on a show before I watch something or after the show is over. You can provide information on a blog or on YouTube.

194. Video Games

Video Games and ESports is becoming more popular. People can win prize money from competitions. You can always play live and let people see you play.

If you don’t have a specific game, you can always choose the genre of video games itself. You can give reviews about different games. You can recommend different games and accessories.

195. Watches

Create your own watch, and try selling it. Sell different watches as an ecommerce store. You can give reviews on YouTube and generate ad revenue.

196. Website Development

Website Development is increasingly standardized with themes, marketing funnels, and website builders. Still, people want help with their website and increasing conversions.

197. Website Flipping

Website Flipping is a thing. For awhile, people bought and then resold domains. There is now a growing movement of people willing to develop the website first. They will get traffic and start making money from the website. After they brought the website up from the initial stages, they will then sell it for a profit.

198. Weddings

Weddings are a wonderful event that costs a lot of money. It’s a once in a lifetime event. You can be involved with the event planning, photography, catering, real estate, the dress, ring, and more.

199. Weight Lifting

Weight Lifting is a great niche. People want to get those abs and beach bodies. Weight lifting helps people with this goal. There is information, supplements, and accountability that people need.

200. Weight Loss for Men

Weight Loss for men is a more specific niche. There are men that want to lose weight. If you have experience, it can be highly impactful. Before and after pictures can make a big difference.

201. Weight Loss for Women

Weight Loss for women is another sub niche in weight loss. You can brand a food and exercise plan. You can then brand protein and other supplements. You can create a course, coaching, and physical products to sell.

202. Welding

Welding is a great way to work with metal and heat. You can make a decent income creating and fixing equipment and structures.

There is a space for people that want to instruct other on how to get into welding. People will need different gear and projects that they can do.

203. Wrestling

Wrestling in school or professionally are different categories within wrestling. You can create a local gym, an online forum, blog, or YouTube channel.

204. Wine

Brand and sell your own wine. Buy a winery and create a production line. You can taste and review different wine.

205. Women Clothing

Women clothing is a broad topic. There are different shirts, pants, dresses, bikinis, hats, jackets, and more. You can manufacture your own product. You can brand them and try selling them. Find a distributor that will help you get into stores.

206. Woodwork

Woodwork is a fun craft or a real livelihood. You can build crafts that people can take home. You can also create bigger wood pieces that a business can use to brand themselves.

207. Yoga

Yoga is a way for people to relax. It’s a good way to meditate and get a work out in. There are different yoga products out. You can create a class or an online following.

208. YouTube

Pick any niche and combine it with YouTube. YouTube has a source of ad revenue that you can automatically tap into. The benefit is that it can lead to other opportunities such as affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and selling your own products or services.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What business should I create?

Choose a niche. I recommend you look at some of the different ideas to help you get started.

How much money do I need to get started?

Some businesses require very little or no money. You can start building a publishing business with a computer or laptop.

What should my first step be in creating a business?

Decide on a niche. You can publish information about your niche in a podcast, YouTube, or blog to gain free traffic. You can also develop a product or service.

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