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September 11, 2020

How to Start a Consulting Business

There are different things to think about whenever you start any business. Some of the key things you will need to think about are how to get leads for your business and what to charge.

It’s important to start becoming an expert in your industry. Be someone that recognizes you for being in that industry.

What is a Consulting?

Consulting is giving advice and information to people. Consultants are people with some kind of expertise. They are sharing advice that will help them with their problems.

Becoming an Expert in Your Industry

It’s important to know who the experts in your industry. You will want to be able to talk about them and how you are different from them.

Go to tradeshows and other networking events to connect with people. It helps when they are able to put a face to your name.

Do you have a Niche?

It’s important to have some kind of niche. If you already have a niche, you should know the common problems that someone will have in your industry. You can use those problems to help you decide how to get your clients and help them with their problem.

Read: 200 Different Niches You can Build Your Business Around

Some Popular Consulting Niches

Business, Tech, Relationship, and Health Niche

Read: 200 Different Niches You Can Build a Business Around

Business Niche

There are so many avenue in business that you can give consulting services for. Every business needs systems in place to make their business better.

There are different types of businesses or a part in any business that you can focus on. You can look into advertising, restaurant, logistics, human resources, CRM systems, and more. I recommend that you are specific. This way, you can target your perfect client.

Tech Niche

There are different companies and start ups that need help with developing innovative tech. Part of the consulting services can include recommendations and how to monetize the product.

Look at giving consulting services in regards to developing apps, software, hardware, and telecommunications.

Relationship Niche

People want to have stronger relationships. They are willing to get advice for their relationships.

Dating, marriage, children, special needs are niches within the relationship niche sphere.

Health Niche

People have different needs in regards to health. You can help people with their mental or physical health.

Mental health and different addictions are great places that you can provide services. These are specific problems that you can help address.

Physical health is also a big market. You can help people get into peak fitness. This can get more into coaching than consulting services.

What Problem Are You Trying To Solve?

You need to have some value proposition. Every business or person has different problems that they are trying to solve. You will need to know how you can be of service to them.

Create a list of problems that people have. You need to have a client that has the problem and is willing to pay for those services. If you are able to solve these problems, you have a viable business.

Pricing Your Services

Paid Per Hour

You can get paid by the hour. This is the most common way of doing consulting work. The rates are usually around $50-$300 dollars.

Paid By Retainer

One of the best ways to do consulting work is to get an initial payment and then have a retainer amount. This is a week to get steady income.

Paid In Bundle

If you have other products and services, this can be a good way to bundle your offers.

You can provide your online course and then a monthly retainer fee. This can be a great way to bring more value to your clients.

How to Acquire Clients

It’s important to be able to build your list of potential clients. Without potential clients, you don’t have a way to expand your business.

You can look at Free Traffic Sources or Paid Traffic Sources to generate more clients.

Free Organic Traffic

One of the best ways to get traffic is through free sources. You will need to build out these platforms in order to get solid leads.

Freelancing Listing Websites

You can check out different website that allow you to advertise your services. Some of the most common places to put your services are on Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer.

This can be a way to talk about your consulting services and clarify your value proposition.


Blogging is a great way to get traffic. When people are searching for information, they will normally look at an article. By giving information, you can become a trusted source. As they read more about you, it can lead to consulting services. You will need an awesome About Me Page. I created a template that you can use by clicking here.

You can use blogging as a platform to do consulting and create multiple income streams. You an use blogging as a platform to talk about different products and services. For example: If you are in the advertising niche, you can offer consulting services, an online course, and a live workshop,

Read: 10 Ways to Make Money with Blogging

It’s important to look at SEO. SEO is search engine optimization. You need to be able to get ranked higher. This means that you need to look at the types of things that people are interested in reading.

Read: Blogging as a Side Hustle


Podcasts are a great way to brand yourself. If you have a particular interest in a niche, you can create a podcast. As you build an audience you can also monetize it by getting advertisements on it.

One of the main things you will have to do with podcasts is to go on guest appearances. If you can go on guest appearances, it can be a good way for their listeners to check your podcast as well.


YouTube has grown into a huge industry. YouTube is the number 1 video platform. It’s also the second in terms of search volume.

One of the benefits of YouTube is that you can look into keywords. It allows you to come up in their results for certain keywords.

You can also be recommended by YouTube as well. This allows you to get viewers from people that were looking at other videos.

YouTube has a built in ad revenue system. You can diversify your income stream simply by helping people in your niche and getting ad revenue from it.

Trade Shows and Conferences

Trade Shows and Conferences are a great way to get publicity. It’s possible to be able to leverage other people’s influence to connect with people.

If you can host one or get on a couple speaking engagements, it can be a huge benefit to your consulting business.

Paid Traffic

Paid Traffic is one of the quickest ways to see a result. If you plan on charging a higher rate, it can be a good way to get clients.

Facebook Ads

One of the best ways is to get clients through paid avenues is to look at Facebook Marketing.

Target people with specific interests. This can also be in a specific geographical location.

One of the best things you can do is create a landing page. Have them schedule an appointment and you can try selling them on your consulting services.

Google Ads

Google Ads is a type of direct marketing. You put your product directly in front of clients that are specifically asking about your service.

If you have a landing page, you can have them set up a time to talk to you. It will be a good way to sell your consulting package.

Read: Direct Vs Indirect Marketing: What Is Better For You?

YouTube Ads

YouTube Ads are similar to Facebook Ads. They give you a lot of information about potential clients. You can target your ads to people with specific interests and by geolocation as well.

You’ll need to decide the type of YouTube Video Ads that you want to show. You’ll need to make a quick impression and call on people to schedule an appointment for people.

If you want to prequalify first, you can first get them to do a survey or have them join a webinar first.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Should I focus on paid or free traffic sources for my consulting business?

If you have everything worked out, you can try paid traffic sources. The problem is that paid services will likely increase in cost. Be aware of potential changes.

I would recommend doing both. You can try building up your free traffic sources, while you try paid traffic sources.

How should I charge my services?

I recommend you look at bundling products and services. If you are strictly in the consulting business, look at the retainer model. You can charge an initial fee and a monthly payment.

Is consulting the best business model?

No, you only get paid when you are spending your time by giving advice. Consulting is a good business, but you will always be trading your time for your money.

Look at developing other streams of income as you build your consulting business.

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